Blessed and Bespoke Orisha Elekes and Ide. Each piece is individually made, cleansed, and blessed. Intentions are set in general for ire (blessings), abundance, protection, and certain attributes for the Orisha chose. Purchase individually or as a complete set.
Though colors may be similar, these will not look like the elekes you typically fund in Culture Shoppes or Botanicas.
If an Orisha you would like is not listed, simply choose other and indicate which Orisha it is.
If you are unsure of which to choose, book a 15 minute consultation to discuss.
Elekes and ide DO NOT indicate that you have actually gone through an initiation. Much like if you buy some in the store, they indicate an affinity or reverence for that specific Orisha. Maybe you want to be inspired by that Orisha's energy. They are all, always within you. Sometimes a visual will help you tap in to that aspect of yourself.
Orisha Ide (Bracelet)
All items made to order. Allow 7-10 business days for creating and cleansing. Where possible pieces are charged with the New or Full Moon prior to shipping.