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Osa Irete Through My Eyes| The Eye of Helene

Writer's picture: Iya Owinni Adina Fa Omi Sango Iya Owinni Adina Fa Omi Sango

September 24th, 2024 was Ose Ola, commonly known as Ose Ifa. It was a Tuesday, a regular day. I did live veneration and Ose offerings. When I was done I performed my dafa. I asked Ifa How I needed to be in my Being over the next 4 days. Ifa revealed for me the Holy Odu Osa Irete.

I always check to see if I'm in alignment or not and I was not. I checked to see why I was out of alignment and what was the medicine.

Possible reasons I was off path.

  • Don't avoid Earthly Challenges

  • Stubborness leading to arrogance

  • Need to worship Olokun as means to Abundance

  • Taking care of One's Health

  • Applying Spiritual Discipline to tasks

  • Teamwork to achieve succes s- need for mutual support

From the Medicine Odu came forward more conversation around health, stress, wider perspective, impending trouble - ebo to Esu

So let's talk the actual Odu. Osa is radical change that is often external and out of one's control. From a visual perspective it looks like a tornado. Osa is sacred to Oya. Oya is the Orisha of life altering storms (tornados, hurricanes), changes, death and rebirth, owns the market place, and guides Ancestors back home.

This energy is present within my physical life so those themes will show up physically in some way.

Irete is perseverance and determination that comes as a result of endings (death) and understanding your truth. It is like a sword that you are holding in order to cut away what would seemingly halt your progress. Irete often indicates a closeness to Ifa as well as being sacred to other Orisha. This is the potential energy.

Together they bring a message of handling changes being the thing that allows for one to persevere. Its speaks of generosity, as well as having faith in our spiritual court.

There is an existing Itan of a man that moves out into a field with all his stuff. He looks all around and no one is there to help him. So he prays to Oya and asks the wind to carry his prayers to God. All that he brought with him now belongs to God.

Ifa advised me to give ebo, take a week off work, and have faith in my gods. I complied.

Wednesday, September 25th my mother text me middle of the day to see if I have food in the house. Confused I call and she tells me there is a hurricane. Then I see the posts about it, a storm so big it will hit every county in Georgia. My mom didn't feel to ansy, but I was a little phased. When I go out it's already raining. I think, the outer bands are already here. I grab a few items while I can.

Thursday morning the rain was heavy. I almost kept my kids home. I went back out again. I needed candles. In almost perfect alignment, Thursday was Ose Ireni. Some refer to this day as Ose Jakuta or Ose Sango. This is a day of veneration for the Stone Throwers which include Sango and Oya.

The storm gets worse and worse. Flooding is already happening before 5pm. I'm not sure what time it was when I went back to the mat. I asked Oya if I needed to give an offering to protect my home, family, and car. She confirmed and I complied. I had a feeling that Shango also needed ebo as well and so I confirmed and complied.

For the record, because I know someone is wondering how I gathered ebo materials that fast, our Ancestors gave what they had access to. Ebo isn't always this huge elaborate thing. Sometimes we allow Western sentiments to color the simplicity of the way our Egun moved. The divinities don't want us going broke to show our devotion. A fair energetic exchange is what is asked.

I moved an air mattress into my living room. I made sure the kids were sleep and then I dozed off. Right around 3am I wake up. Whatever dream I was having, I was contemplating facing something or meeting it head on.

I thought about going back to sleep but then I heard a bang. Something hit the house. I walk around. I don't see anything as far as in the house. I sit back in my room. I'm definitely awake now. One of my kids woke up and came into my room to go back to sleep. Eventually all my kids are in my room sleep. I text my mom and she's awake too. We talk for a bit until she loses power then she tries to go back to sleep.

The wind is howling. I can hear things hitting the roof. I don't look outside though. I move the air mattress and another one into the center of my house. Then I continue to sit and listen. Internet was still up so I watched live commentary. Someone said they saw Blue Sky. A tornado. I hear the wind. Is it spinning? It feels close. I quietly ask Shango if all is well with us. He confirms. I ask Oya if my family is safe in my room (I have big windows). We are safe. I feel like looking outside would be me doubting that my ebo was approved so I don't look.

A little before 5:30 the power goes off. It's so dark and the wind is still blowing. Thankfully I have candles lit in my room and I use them to help light more around the house.

A little before 7 things calm outside. Cell signal is super spotty. I send a message to my dad that we lost power and to see if they are ok. I'm able to talk on the phone for a bit with a friend. When the sun comes up I look outside.

My front yard, you can tell some wind came through. My porch brooms were knocked over but my rocking chair, along with Esu, had not moved. I got to my car. She's all good. Not a branch.

I look out the window I heard the noise at. A branch big enough to cover my patio and then some. Esu, though under leaves, is fine. I look out another window to fully see my yard, covered in branches but no trees are down. They are all good.

The wave of gratitude I feel is almost overwhelming. All I can say is thank you.

My family is also ok.

It didn't stop with that.

Loss of power means loss of things in your fridge. I gather some items to take to my parents house. There was power there. Ended up we all hung out there for the weekend. I slept home and was there during the day. I had a bit more cell signal so I was able to share updates. They had vehicles (mine is having a power issue) and thus helped with transportation. We helped each other (Teamwork).

When I heard people saying it'll be weeks with no power I went to my Ori for a blessing. I confirmed the offering. The Ire manifested.

I did the same for cell and internet.

My mom said those prayers extended to me being able to grocery shop twice when things were (they still are honestly) chaotic and get most of what we needed as a family.

It was just as my Dafa had predicted.

I needed to have faith in "my gods"

Teamwork brought me success.

When I applied my spiritual practice to the situation, blessings manifested.

How I handle a radical change would determine if I could push through.

I gave my ebo

I took the 7 days off.

I trusted that if I prayed it would be answered.

I gave it to God.

All was well.


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