In our tradition, our ancestors understood that divination keeps them from getting caught slipping. So, we divine at regular intervals to get wisdom around what's coming. Itadogun is held every 17 days. We divine for the community at large.
Here is a summary of what we received. Normally we only have 1 Odu, however I was visiting with another community and so that Odu applies as well.
Odu - Owonrin S'Ogbe
Knowing the difference between vengeance and justice
Esu is prominent in this Odu
Being mindful of jealousy
Chaos leads to Ire (good fortune) or lack of humility blocks Ire
Cool head and calm mind minimize confusion
Head and house cleansing a must
This is the Odu invoked when doing Ebo sometimes
Associated with Esu
Need to follow guidance of parents and develop Iwa Pele (good character)
Don’t lend things out for 16 days
Problems caused by greed
Receive with Gratitude and contentment
Give with no strings attached
Confusion coming in from either Esu or negative forces due your to resistance to growth
Be mindful of who you let know your secrets
Akose (Ifa Medicine) – To be taken for those who have confusion, overly active mind, or bad dreams. Prepared by Priest and Priest must chant while it is ingested.
Will be available for purchase on my site as needed ·
Change way of thinking and release self from your own dogma ·
Change can lead to transformation ·
Pay attention to your dreams, ancestors speaking ·
Abori increases intuition which is naturally keen – It’s about time for most of you to get an Ori cleanse ·
Suffering from lack of confidence, Daily Ori Prayers needed ·
Don’t discount gifts received in mysteries circumstances ·
Make sure appeasing Esu – Share portion of meal with Esu
My Temple's Personal Odu - Okanran Owonrin
Court cases – but ending being a peaceful existence
Part of ebo donation going to those in need
Willingness to practice nw approach leads to the ability to handle unexpected change ·
Understanding the value of gratitude ·
Don’t take yourself too seriously ·
Need for a clean slate Obatala Wash - 2 during this cycle
Anything possible? Manifest and co-create ·
Immortality – Longevity ·
God’s relationship with other deities – Delegation and support ·
God does what God does and still consults for Wisdom
Literally could indicate not leaving your spouse or taking back an ex that left ·
You not being in alignment with your favorite destiny or not living up to your Iwa Pele o
Divine still has your back
Trying to help you get back on path
Giving ebo can help support realignment
Esu the one that helps redirect back to your favorite destiny ·
Leaving your spiritual practice to do something else and then finding out it wasn’t what you thought and wanting to return back to what works
Allegory for black people and Abrahamic religions, the disconnect from ATRs, Esu opening the way for folks to return to ATRs
If any of this resonates with you and you would like offerings given on your behalf, please reach out to me directly. Ifa Medicine is listed on my website.