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I wonder who my little one is going to be when they grow up.

That's something many of us as parents think about as we consider this new life getting ready to be born. Another is, "How can I ensure I'm helping my child be the best version of themself?"


Our West African Ancestors in Yorubaland had the same thoughts, and thus there was a traditional rtual done to help parents with answering these questions. The Esentaye looks at what the child's Ori chose for a name, traits, potential career, taboos, advisories and more. 

It also formally introduces the child to Mother Earth, cultivating a great introduction to life here.


The Esentaye is done between 3 - 7 days after the child has been born. 


Is this done in person? Yes - That said I have options available for folks within 3 hours from me. Feel free to reach out to me directly to see if you are within this travel area.


Is this an initiation? No. This divination may reveal if this is somethign in alignment for the child's well-being but the ritual itself is not an initiation.


Will there be offerings required? Basic offerings for the ritual itself are included in the price. Subsequent offerings post  divination are an additional charge. We can discuss what needs to be done in that regard after the divination.


After Purchase - You and I will have a conversation regarding the baby's due date. That week will be blocked for the mother carrying to turn. Once the baby is born, YAY! Reach out to me as soon as possible, especially if you are out of town, so we can coordinate having the ritual done.


Feel free to email any questions


Esentaye (Predestiny Divination and Newborn Naming)

  • This can be rescheduled one time.

  • Divination is a team effort. It's not simply me divining the information, it's hearing and applying the wisdom being given. 

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