Alaafia! Here are the notes and instructions for the next 16 days from today's Itadogun: Odus- Okanraun Meji and Ose Meji fell in ire. Both Mejis are indicators that big changes are on the horizon for our spirtual home and individually.
Okanraun Meji- It's going to feel like trial by fire but once it's all said and done the changes will be positve and witnessed by all. This odu holds youthful and creative energy to support the manifestation of positive changes. Be mindful of being too dominant and rebellious especially in the workplace. Take care of your health and fortify your immune system by detoxing, eating more fruits and vegetables, taking vitamins, supplements etc.
If you have been experiencing lack or misfortune Hand of Ifa, orisha worship and Intiation will help to return your fortune and bring in blessings. Now that we know blessings are coming, Ebos are very important here, the pataki in this odu outlines this. The townspeople gave ebo in advance for their new king, the ebo was done to secure the blessing.
Many of us in the temple are getting ready to receive Hand of Ifa and initiate to orishas the positive impact will be felt throughout our spirtual community. We can expect to see abundance- new projects,opportunities, pathways and even children for those who desire them. Shango is in this odu remember to keep calm and cool and make level headed decisions. Don't shrink yourself, practice Iwa Pele and discernment. Esu here says that if you are feeling negative emotions that means you need to change your behavior. Shadow work is heavy during this time period. Avoid being stubborn and unreasonable. Ochossi is here to support us with new ideas and tactics for our success. Be practical and realistic, set reasonable expectations for yourself in all areas, don't over reach. This is a good time period to travel and start a business.
Ebos and Taboos
Overall this odu brings success and comfort
The following steps should be taken - Head cleaning is needed if you have not signed up for Tuesday's session, please do so. Use coupon code CLEANSE. Make Ebo to your ori that will accompany the cleanse Tuesday you can include some of the following- honey, sugar, coconut, 9 alligator peppers, koala nut, oti, shea butter, bitter koala nut and spinach.
Ebos go to Shango, Ochossi, Esu, and Ifa. Unseasoned stew, bean cake and/or beans, pounded yam. You can donate to Iya for the ebos and cleanse. Wear light clothing as much as possible.
Taboos- No salt for 7 days, No lamb for 16 days
Ose Meji - this odu speaks of overcoming obstacles and victory over enemies. Long life is here you must strengthen yourself spiritually and put protections in place. Oshun is here - no ebo is needed right now as Iya's recent ebo to Oshun has been accepted, you can create a dedicated space to offer her oranges, honey and aduminu if you feel called to.
Warding and Protection Work
We are being told to ward our homes by marking Ose Meji under our door mats and home entry ways in places where it can not be seen. Using Efun(Cascarilla)and olive oil make a paste and use your 2 fingers (middle and ring) in a zig-zag pattern moving right to left mark the odu Ose Meji I II I II in those specific places. Say a prayer of blessing and protection as you do so.
Taboos: No black clothing for 16 days.
It is Mothers Day weekend, take time to honor the maternal energy and orishas Yemoja, Oshun and Oya.
Wishing you all Ire!
Last question here, does anyone have the page number for the protection oriki in the blue book? Thank you !