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Odu Study Group

Learning and Sharing the Wisdom of Ifa and Its Application to Our Lived Experiences

2 hr
35 US dollars
Zoom Meeting

Service Description

Why an Odu Study Group? There are THOUSANDS of verses, parables, rituals, etc. in the Ifa Literary Corpus. And the majority of us here in the African American Diaspora did not grow up in a Yoruba household chanting Itans from 3 years old and thus know a lot of the verses individually. However, as a collective, we may have a larger body of knowledge than we realize. Also, sometimes there is that one Itan that you come across and you're like, "What is this trying to tell me and how do I apply it to the situation at hand?" For those who are trained and empowered to do their own Dafa on a regular cadence, being able to understand what it is Ifa is telling is life changing. For those from a lineage that maybe you don't divine for yourself but you receive regular divination, what is the message being given to you. And this session is also about hearing the Odu speak to us. What does the way it is oriented say to us? What messages should we be receiving simply on how the Odu fell? My intention is to cultivate a space for learning, sharing, and growth. This Study group is for those who have already undergone Isefa (Hand of Ifa) at minimum and should thus be learning Odu. Spirit is gonna move how Spirit is gonna move but my intention is for the general sessions to be Biweekly on Saturday mornings 0930-1130am (except on Ose Ifa) One Odu per session going in order as the main portion of conversation Odu Orientation - what does the Odu visually tell us Metaphysical understanding of the Odu - what does that tell us Nickname of the Odu - What does that tell us General messages that you already have knowledge of Everyone share at least 1 Itan and let's break it down As time permits - Practice - If this is the client (or your) question to Ifa - What is Ifa actually saying with this Odu Homework - Journal about when you have been actively in the energy of this Odu and how it manifested in your day to day life. There will be a private online group for us to share in more insights about the Odu You can pay for each session individually or purchase a monthly plan (Saves you $10 a month)

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please let me know at least 48 hours prior to appointment time. Refunds are only issued for cancellations 48 hours in advance.

Contact Details

  • Augusta, GA, USA


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