Itadogun Notes
July 30, 2024
Odu: Ofun Oturupon
Ire: Yes (Ogbe Irete)
Ofun Oturupon comes to us in ire and brings the message of closing a chapter and opening a new chapter. This odu comes through with medicine if you’ve been dealing with a chronic illness. Ofun is the giver - so a miracle is coming in physical life. Spiritually you are carrying something to get rid of - something you might be holding on to that you need to let go of. There is youthful feminine energy (mother/daughter). “A hard head makes a soft behind” - meaning a person who does not listen to reason is going to have a tough life. Listen to advice, listen to reason. Oturupon is health - mind, body, and spirit health. Divine inspiration through and movement.
Consult your Ori (your head) before eating out (even at someone’s house)
Do not travel unnecessarily
Consult Ifa before traveling, particularly across water -if you have plans to travel across water, consult Iya Owinni to determine if ebo should be given for safety
Ifa - Obi (kola nut), for success and to conquer enemies
Ori - Orogbo (bitter kola nut), to bring ire of abundance and wealth
Oshun - Honey for wealth; and a hen for those who want to have children
Obatala - pounded yams, for progress and success
Egungun - Chicken & Oti (white liquor)
Ogun - Oti (white liquor), for our jobs and for victory over enemies
Oko - pounded yams and Oti (white liquor)
Ebo Donation:
$20- odu
$10 - energy exchange
Additional $10 if you want to have children
Send via Cash App: $niyahsgardenllc
For the protection ebo for your children, Iya Owinni is available Tuesday, August 6, 2024 to bless and guide in the protection ebo offering.
Please Have on hand: Chicken (cooked), Baked sweet potato, red palm oil, corn meal, and a white plate. Contact Iya Owing prior to that date to determine time and venue for this protection ebo.